Hey, I'm Enrique 👋

Marketing and Growth strategist scaling Pexels, building Ophelia Hats, and advising startups on Strategy, Growth, and Marketing.

Currently, I’m the CMO at Pexels, where I am building the marketing, growth, data, and revenue teams and processes. Since joining Pexels in 2019, we’ve:

🚀 Passed 37 million website visits per month
🔎 3+ million searches per day
📸 10X our free library to over 3 million photos and videos
👨‍💻 Helped millions of creative people bring their stories to life — from small businesses to nonprofits, marketers to designers

I am the happiest when building and growing things with purpose, and it’s why I’ve partnered to create Ophelia Hats. Brand and ecommerce store selling hats to the world from Colombia. (Launching soon)